QUES. 5.-Is a "business meeting" connected with an assembly, an assembly meeting?
ANS.-It altogether depends on the circumstances. It may be only an investigation in a matter of discipline, or a counseling together in any matter for the welfare of the assembly, in which case only those recognized as most wisely interested in the affairs of the Lord's house will generally be found together. They are not the assembly surely, though occupied with its interests.
But when some action or decision is required of the assembly as such, proper announcement of the fact should be made, and then those who come together are truly the assembly. Even then consideration will not be wanting for such as may be unwillingly absent.
QUES. 6.-Is the "Numerical Bible" by P. W. G. another translation of the Scriptures like "New Translation by J. N. D"?
Is it merely for the use of his exposition of Scripture in a Numerical way, or is it intended to be used at Bible Readings the same as other translations ?
ANS.-The "Numerical Bible" is a new translation of the Scriptures from the originals, and so highly valued by diligent students of the word of God that request has repeatedly been made to the Publishers to print an edition of the text of the New Testament in a pocket form, for easy reference in public meetings and for constant private use, which it is hoped may be realized at some future time.
The forms of expression in the king James or "Authorized" version,-so well known and justly loved by all English speaking people-have been retained as much as practicable consistently with a true and faithful rendering of the original. To this end the most recent helps to a correct text have been used, as well as the best translations, such as the "New Translation " by J. N. D.; the "Revised Version" etc. carefully compared.