
Why are ye fearful? (Matt. 8:26.) Take . . . no thought for the morrow (Matt. 6:34). Why art thou cast down, O my soul? (Psa. 42:5.) In nothing be anxious (Phil. 4:6, R. V.)

Why have to do with to-morrow ?
Today is enough at a time;
Do not of the future borrow, –
Yea, dread it as thou wouldst a crime.

Why brood over ills in the past?
That gives thee a sorrowful now ;
Then, let not thy griefs further last:
Determine, by grace, this to do.

Why faint 'neath the ills of today ?
Their mission to thee is in love;
This, this, with His own, is God's way,
To draw their affections above.

Why worry o'er troubles not come?
Not come! then thy worry's for nought;
If they come, fresh worry they cost;
So that twice the troubles are bought !

Why fret thee o'er wrongs not thine own ?
Dear soul, all commit to the Lord :
He, He can rule all for thy good ;
Then, trust in the Lord, and His word.

Why grieve over those who forsake ?
Cheer up, thou art not left alone :
Yea, Jesus will care of thee take,
Then bear thee above with His own.

Why repine o'er ought that may fry.
Think of thy Lord, and His sorrow;
Lo, now He is for thee on high !
And thine soon, His bright tomorrow !

Why not e'en joy in all trial?
Yes, "count it all joy," says the Word;
"Be perfect,"-"entire,"-be real,
And patiently wait for the Lord.

Sufficient, who is for the way ?
My strength is but weakness indeed:
Jehovah will sustain thee today,-
This meets all thy wilderness need.

R. H.