"And He arose and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea,
Peace, be still, and the wind ceased, and there was
a great calm." (Mark 4:36-41.)
"Fierce was the wild billow; dark was the night;
Oars labored heavily; foam glimmered white;
Mariners trembled; peril was nigh; .
Then said the God of might, "Peace, it is I ! "
Ridge of the mountain wave, lower thy crest !
Wail of Euroclydon, be them at rest!
Peril can none be, sorrow must fly,
Where saith the Light of light," Peace, it is I ! "
Jesus, Deliverer ! come Thou to me !
Soothe Thou my voyaging over life's sea ;
Bid me be quiet as the storm sweeps by,
Whisper, .O Truth of truth," Peace, it is I ! "