Why Repine ?

Jesus, Savior, Thou art mine,
Why then should I e'er repine?
Rich am I beyond degree,-
Rich in simply having Thee.

When I came with nought to bring,
But myself, a sinful thing,
Thou didst say, "
Look unto Me, I, the Sinless, died for thee."

In Thee now I've sweetest rest,-
From Thy fulness truly blest,-
Pardoned, clothed, and reconciled,
Born of God, and owned His child.

If a child, Oh, then an heir,-
Heir with Thee! Thy joy to share!-
Joy that will forever last,
When all other joy is past.

Blessed, blessed be Thy name,
Thou wilt ever be the same;
Here and in Thy bright abode,
I shall "know" unchanging "good."

Surely Thou shouldst have this heart,
Come, possess it, every part;
Thou, with whom none can compare,
Reign without a rival there.

Keep, O keep me near Thy side,
In Thy love would I abide,-
I would only live for Thee,
Thou in love didst die for me!

Happy day when I'm with Thee,
And from all that hinders free!
I shall praise Thee as I should,
And shall love Thee as I would.

Precious Savior! Thou art mine!
Why then should I e'er repine ?
Rich am I beyond degree,-
Rich in simply having Thee, R. H.