Ques.14.-Has the Church any authority apart from the word of God?
Ans.-The Church has no authority in herself. Her place is that of subjection to her Head and Lord. He makes known His will through the Scriptures by the Spirit Therefore no action on the part of the assembly, contrary to the word of God is of the least authority. But, believing in the presence of the Spirit of God, and seeing from Scripture the responsibility resting upon the assembly to act for God, no one should raise questions save after prayerful deliberation, and in a scriptural manner.
Ques. 15.-If a matter on hand is put into the assembly to be settled there, and all the assembly except two or three decide that so and so is right, but the two or three see clearly from the word of God that the larger number in the assembly are wrong, would it be right for the two or three to give in to the others; or should they hold the truth even if the assembly cut them off?
Ans.-The question has been partially answered above. We would add, that an action nearly unanimous would suggest the Lord’s presence, unless it most clearly contradicted Scripture, therefore great care and patience should be used in expressing dissent. If a vital question is involved, principles affecting the very basis of fellowship, then a firm, definite stand even if but by one, must be taken, whatever the cost. But how much prayer, self-judgment and waiting on God should precede such a step. Then, too, the saints should be appealed to from some neighboring gathering, that if possible the entire weight be not left upon the two or three remaining firm at the local assembly. How much is accomplished by faith and love.
Ques. 16.-Are younger brethren In their place if they are trying to rule in the assembly.
Ans.-"Likewise ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder" (1 Pet. 5:5). A principle is involved in this of wide reaching effect. Both in the history of Israel and of the Church the evil effects of its neglect have been manifest. But there is an inherent reason for such direction. It presupposes godliness, gravity, wisdom and the proper government of one’s own house, on the part of the elder. Alas, alas, how family failure has come in to render God’s order impracticable, and then self-assertion on the part of the young is only too easy.
But there is another side; "Let no man despise thy youth." And if there be a heart for the Lord, a devotedness to Him and true humility, the young man will surely find a place of service. What can be sadder than a forward restless disrespectful spirit on the part of the younger, unless it be the spiritual in-competency of the older that makes it possible.
Ques. 17. If a brother has been cut off from the assembly (it may be justly or unjustly) but he continues to come to the meetings, and at the worship meeting quietly takes a back seat. When a hymn is given out he joins in heartily and sings praise to God and God’s beloved Son his Saviour and Lord. Has any one a right to request him to be silent, not to sing in the meetings? Some found fault when a box of ointment was broken.
Ans.-We would say a brother if dealt with by an assembly, would feel the solemnity of the judgment, and as bowing under the mighty hand of God, would be quiet and undemonstrative. His demeanor would indicate this. On the other hand, a hard ungracious spirit should be avoided that checks the work of grace in the soul.