QUES. 14.-Please explain the expression "washed us from our sins in His own blood " (Rev. 1:5). Is the reading of the Revised Version correct, "loosed" instead of "washed," and if so is there no thought of cleansing by blood except as applying to our position before God? Would it be correct to say that the blood is what gives us a perfect cleansing as to our standing before God, and the cleansing of the heart is by the new birth, through the word of God?
ANS.-The blood suggests the life given up as the atoning sacrifice provided in the love of God for our sins. It is that which avails before God, and is the ground of our perfect and eternal justification. The blood is thus Godward and its effects are in the holiest, whither Christ has entered by it for us. This is the work done for us. The work done in us is by the Spirit, through the word of God. The expression therefore, "washed us in His own blood," would not refer to the personal cleansing of the believer's soul, but the effectual work of Christ which presents him perfect before God. While the reading, "loosed us " is well supported, it is not necessarily the correct one, and "washed" is more like John's writings. See 1 John 1:7; Rev. 7:14. Inward cleansing is by new birth, through the Word, and constant cleansing is by that Word applied to our hearts day by day. Of course, all rests upon the ground of Christ's finished work, but the distinction indicated should be preserved.