Two things ought ever to characterize us:a people given to much earnest prayer continually, and with this a keen relish for the word of God. Here is where God begins to work, with ourselves, and creates deeper longings after what is real and divine. Then the heart expands and goes out in those desires for others, and we become a hearty evangelistic people. "My presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest." These were His words to Moses for Israel of old, and He is the same to-day. He brings His people out of Egypt, then through the wilderness; then into the land; and this God is our God.
How much we owe Him until we see Him face to face ! From us there ought to be a double line of service and ministry, as in Col. i 23-25. Ministry first in the gospel, flowing out without stint to needy sinners around us. And then ministry continually flowing out to those who are saved and gathered by the gospel into the Church, the body of Christ. This double stream of ministry flowing through us, is the fruit of communion, and of the truth held with us in even balance. A. E. B.