The Second Coming Of The Lord Our Hope

Our Lord's second coming is the bright morning star of the believer's life.

It is the goal which the racer ever keeps in view (Phil. 3:14-21).

It is as the distant shore for the sea-tossed and weary mariner, becoming more and more distinct as he uses his glass and keeps a watch.

It is as the going home for the soldier in the distant country, as he emerges from the battle-field :the battles have been fought, the trials have been many; but peace has been proclaimed, and the music strikes the notes of "Home, sweet home."

It is as the morning star for the faithful watcher who has stood by his post during the various stages of the long, dark night,-the harbinger of the day-dawn.

It is rest, the ideal rest for the afflicted and weary saint, who has, under the government of God, patiently waited the change, to see Him face to face.

It will be the great and grand reunion of the many saints that death had for long separated-fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, friends, companions, which death had parted; but at our Lord's coming all who have passed away, "died in faith," will join the living, who shall be changed, and be forever with the Lord" (i Thess. 4:13-18). And what a joy this will be,-first for Him, and next for the saints ! It will be the day of His espousals and the gladness of His heart (Songs 3:11). Then the Bride, the Church, shall be presented without spot, coming up from the wilderness leaning upon the arm of her Beloved.

The racer will reach his goal; the mariner step on the distant shore; the soldier, the watcher, each and all will have their long cherished hopes realized.

The full blessedness of the love of God each shall know. The grace and redemption by the blood of the Lamb each shall share with exultation; and worship and praise will rise from all the redeemed, to God and to Christ forever. A. E. B.