“We Look For The Saviour, The Lord Jesus Christ”

(Phil. 3:20.)

We look for the Saviour," the Christ, blessed Lord, '"
Who will come for His saints, we are told in His
From the right hand of God, where He sits on the throne,
And waits for the day when He'll come for His own.

"We look for the Saviour," who left His bright home,
Was obedient to death, that vile sinners might come
Unto God through His Son,-the dear Son of His love,
At whose name all must bow, in earth or above.

"We look for the Saviour," He who bore on the tree
All our sins in His body, that we might go free
From death and the judgment due us for our sin;
Whose blood makes the vilest all spotless within.

"We look for the Saviour," our perfect High Priest,
Who on high intercedes for us-even the least;
Who is fitting a mansion, preparing a crown;
Who in God's perfect time will come for His own.

"We look for the Saviour!" Lord Jesus, bestow
Upon each one Thy grace, that we ever may show
To the world, such reflection of Thee and Thy love,
That sinners shall turn to the Saviour above !

"We look for the Saviour; " the sound shall soon come
Of the voice of the archangel calling us home ;
At the noise of His shout what a deep joyous thrill
Of love and contentment each bosom will fill!

Forever with Jesus! no more to depart
From His presence, but know all the love of His heart;
And forever we'll gaze on His own blessed face,
Forever we'll sing of His mercy and grace.

Forever, forever ! oh, how our hearts grieve
At the long separation :we would this world leave,
And caught up in the clouds meet the Lord in the air.
"Oh, hasten, Lord Jesus, we long to be there ! "
