1 Pet. 1:18, 19; Gal. in. 13; Rom. 5:1.
On Calvary's blood-stained tree,
Where I deserved to be,
Was sacrificed for me
The spotless Lamb of God.
And when I stood in awe
Of God's oft-broken law,
One, cursed for me, I saw-
The spotless Lamb of God.
So Christ was judged for me;
And I, forever free,
By faith rejoiced to see
The spotless Lamb of God.
What wondrous grace was shown
To me, a wretch undone,
That, for me, should atone
The spotless Lamb of God!
In peace I now abide;
For God is satisfied
With Him, who for me died-
The spotless Lamb of God.
O, blessed, spotless Sacrifice,
How costly was Thy love for me!
For Thou didst pay the ransom price-
"Thy precious blood "-to make me free.
G. K.
[The beloved author of these sweet lines has lately gone home to the Lord. ED.]