No one walking with God, in subjection to His Word, will think or speak lightly of baptism. If the Lord has chosen to use it as an ordinance of His house, none can dismiss or despise it and suffer no hurt. Nor will it help matters to say that it is the baptism of the Spirit which is the important thing now. The spiritual man counts subjection to the Lord in all matters the important thing at all times.
Equally hurtful, and manifest proof of carnality is it to be found harping on the subject of baptism. None prove their ignorance of its true nature and import more than those who, because they have found the true form of baptism, make of that form baptism itself, as if plunging a man under the water were of more importance than the name of the blessed One used in the ordinance and by it put upon the person baptized.
It will be found that in the measure in which men press baptism, and make this or that form of it, or this or that application of it, a matter to affect the fellowship of saints, in that measure they lose sight of Christ Himself, and their spiritual condition and teaching, therefore, will have a Jewish, legal character. Instead of Christ enthroned in the heart, molding the man, it is this thing demanded or that thing forbidden.
The gracious Lord enable His beloved people to be humbly subject to Him in all things, and to enjoy Him at all times.