What does it take to have forgiveness after we sin?
Question: What does it take to have forgiveness after we sin? Do you have to ask for forgiveness?
Answer: The Scriptures do not tell us to “ask” for forgiveness, but to “confess [or repent of] our sins” to God in order to be forgiven. If we do this, God “is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).
“God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven” (Ephesians 4:32) every believer of every sin he has committed, or will commit. If a believer sins he does not lose his forgiveness, but he does lose the happy fellowship with his heavenly Father and he loses the “joy” of his salvation (Psalm 51:12). Just as our eternal salvation comes by “repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ” (Acts 20:21), so this fellowship and joy will only be restored when we repent to God in sorrow because of our sin. David said: “Against Thee, Thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in Thy sight…a broken and a contrite heart, 0 God, thou wilt not despise” (Psalm 51:4, 17).
"Study to shew thyself approved unto God." 2 Timothy 2:15