Is dating unscriptural? Is there anything wrong with dating?

Is dating unscriptural? Is there anything wrong with dating?

One way of defining “a date” is any time an unmarried boy and girl are alone together, and every date should be looked at as in view of marriage. There are two very important things that must be true if a Christian gets married.

(1) He/she must not be yoked with an unbeliever (2 Corinthians 6:14). A “yoke” is walking with someone with a common purpose, which is what marriage is. The Spirit of God asks the question: “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” (Amos 3:3). The answer is “No.”
(2) The other important thing is that a saved person must marry “only in the Lord” (1 Corinthians 7:39). To marry “in the Lord” both partners must want to please the Lord. Thus there will be only one Boss in the marriage–the Lord.


Before you date someone, you should find out if these two things are true: (1) Is he/she a believer? (2) Does he/she want to please the Lord?


Neither dating nor the concept of dating is mentioned in the Bible. Dating is a fairly recent idea. One thing is very clear that God’s intention is that there should be physical purity before marriage (virginity).