50.4—“For a dream comes through much activity, and a fool’s voice is known by his many words” (Ecclesiastes 5:3). What does the first part of this verse mean? Does it truly have something to do with dreaming? And, keeping in mind the last half of this verse.…
50.4—As is the case with everything Solomon says in Ecclesiastes, this is not a scientific explanation of dreams but his observation that dreams are often produced when a person is very busy. The KJV and JND translate the verse: “A dream cometh through the multitude of business, and a fool’s voice through a multitude of words.” One commentary puts it this way: “Just as a hyperactive mind often produces wild dreams, so a hyperactive mouth produces a torrent of foolish words, even in prayer” —William MacDonald.
Yes, as you say, in view of the fact that we “shall give account…in the day of judgment“ for “every idle [non-working] word that” we “speak” (Matthew 12:36), how important it is to keep in mind the last part of Ecclesiastes 5:3: “A fool’s voice is known by his many words.” And may we be sure to heed the advice Solomon gives in the previous verse: “Be not rash with thy mouth, and let not thine heart be hasty to utter any thing before God: for God is in heaven, and thou upon earth: therefore let thy words be few” (Ecclesiastes 5:2).