38.1 – In Galatians 6:9 it states, “And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” I’ve heard this verse used to attempt to prove that one’s salvation can indeed be lost if they “lose heart”. Anyone have any thoughts on this verse?
38.1 – In response to Josh LaMarche’s question concerning Galatians 6:9, we deduced the following. First off, we know that this letter IS written to Christians, as Paul starts off this chapter with the word “brethren.” Paul’s purpose in writing this particular section was to encourage his fellow Christians to do good works, which will result in benefits. Now, we MAY never actually see or realize these benefits here on earth, but we will certainly be storing treasure in heaven (Matthew 6:20) if our motivations are correct. These benefits as well as any future sorrows make up a “harvest.” The believer’s work is likened unto a harvest (John 4:34,35), in that, what we sow in our life determines what may come out of it. In accordance with Galatians 6:9, if we ARE weary in well doing, we may lose out on heavenly rewards, but we can never lose our salvation. Salvation comes from God, and is not dependent on anything that WE’VE done…as seen in Ephesians 2:8,9. One example of a negative example of reaping seems to occur in I Corinthians 5. There, a brother is involved in moral sin, yet verse 5 clearly states that he may lose his life, but his soul will still belong to the Lord. We hope this helps a bit, Josh!